In the premium-segment impress the new alpha deluxe series from KBL in elegant design combined with powerful elements and outstanding performances. Suitably to the individual style of the tanning studio, the solarium megaSun 7900 alpha deluxe captivates through its precious chrome design, matching perfectly the light reflections of colorMotion. On the other hand, it appears in a sporty and modern design thanks to the matted carbon counterpart. The user-friendly display preSelection, on the outside of the solarium´s canopy provides the possibility of choosing an individual setting prior to every tanning session. The intelligent tanning system intelliSun appears perfectly to the high demands and wishes of the customers. So simple is tanning nowadays!

The six extraSunlight lamps, which are plug in the solarium  KBL 7900 alpha deluxe provide the EXTRA of UVB. A perfect tan, essential bio-positive effects caused by sun hormone Vitamin D, production and the safe feeling of skin gentle tanning are included. 40 powerful beautyBooster bring an increase of hydration as well as revitalization, relaxation and detoxification of the skin. A silky smooth skin is guaranteed. You want to have Bluetooth? No problem at all. Only one click, the connection will be ready and you are able to listen to the own music from your smartphone. Feel the beat!
    p2 pigment lamps
    CPI=equal output for life of lamp
    AAA comfort: aquaCool, aroma, air-conditioning
    MP3, SD card audio system and volume control
    ACS auto-adjusting ventilation
    Bluetooth connectivity
    Service bay LED lighting
    Hinged acrylics

 56 Total Lamps

20 200w megaLine 1870R CPI plus
4 500w facials
6 p2 lamps

2 250w

24 megaLine 1990R CPI plus

Total Lamp Wattage:

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